
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

5 Things I Miss About Being A Kid

I saw this over at and thought I would play.

5 Things I Miss About Being a Kid/Child:

1. Summer Vacation (it sucks not being able to do that anymore)
2. Watching cartoons on Saturday morning (anyone remember H.R. Puff n Stuff, Josie & the Pussycats, Scooby, Land of the Lost or the Banana Splits??)
3. No worries, no bills (no house note, car note, my biggest worry was how was I going to get my homework done, clean my room, and play outside all at the same time, only the adults watched the news and they took care of everything) (Mom and Dad - they took care of you and I miss that - Now I have to take care of my children and somedays I just want to run home to my Mama)
4. Playing (just getting up during the summer and taking off for the day - not coming home until your mom or dad came looking for ya)
5. School (what the hell - but yeah I miss school, not the work mind you, but the socializing and hanging with all your buddies. I miss going to football games with the Drill Team on a Friday night; I miss learning for some of the best teachers - Ms. Surlock (drama) Mr. Stafford (History), Ms. Fiddler (English) )

While I can't do some of these things anymore (I have bills and worry about everything and no more Summer vacations for me) I do still try and get up and watch cartoons on Saturday morning although they are not the same. I do still play too, just not with the same toys as back then. Instead of barbies and easy bake oven - I play online games.

What do you miss about your childhood?

Monday, August 29, 2005


Why are people at work so messy. I figure either they are neat freaks at home, and being messy at work it a way to break loose or else they really pigs at home. I would not say I am a neat freak (my house is not spotless, but it is fairly clean). I keep my desk at work in a neat workable order. We have two coffee bars on our floor with fridges, coffee machine, coke and ice machines. Also a copier and all that goes with that. I don't understand how one can take what is the last cup of coffee and instead of either starting a new pot or turning the burner off, they just put the pot back on the burner with just enough coffee for the bottom of a coffee cup. They must assume coffee is just magically made. Now because I sit close to one of the coffee bars, I am always the first to smell the pot burning. I go and remove and clean it up and start a new pot even though I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning. I just don't get it... Just like I don't get how some can put food in the fridge and then totally forget about it. I get here super early (645 a.m. when most don't arrive until 830 or later) so when I go to put my little lunch in the fridge - I spend a good 5-10 minutes trying to figure out what is going bad and get rid of it so that my food will not smell funny when I go to eat it at lunch. I just don't get it. Would it take too much people to start a new pot of coffee or turn the burner off and would it take too much to take your bad food out of the fridge?? It just makes me wonder what kind of home you keep. It's Monday and I am a whining but dang people come on. What set me off this morning - someone changed the ink in the copy machine and spilled it everywhere and didn't bother to clean it up so the letter I was making a copy got covered in the crap and I had to re-print, get re-signed (and explain to the boss why) and then get myself and the copy area and copier cleaned up. YUCK. THIS MONDAY SUCKS....... Okay I will get off my soapbox now and get back to the job at hand. Peace People!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I took a day off work today - to decompress. I have had so much stress in just the last few days that my body just could not hang anymore. My step father is doing the best he can as are we - they should have him stable enough to begin radiation treatment by the end of this week. The outlook however is very slim. But we continue to pray and hope. Our faith and our hope is kinda all we got right now that and each other. I have been very lucky to have many stranger friends (as Rosie calls them) who are praying and thinking of me and my family. The kindness of strangers is remarkable and so appreciated - words can't even say. Thank you so much - it means a lot to me.

I do have good news - this site can't just dwell on the bad. Josh passed his entrance exam and will begin school on September 2nd. He is suppose to go today to find out about getting his GI money to pay for it all. About time his service in this stupid war he fought paid him back. I just hope that this is the beginning of new things for him.

Today while I was cleaning - (something I have ignored since my life went to shit for little bit), I tripped and fell on my big butt. Did it hurt you bet, but while I was crying - I just started laughing. My dogs thought I was going crazy - I sat there on the floor in my hallway crying and laughing - why - crying cause it hurt - laughing? Who the hell knows why - because I can feel pain. Because despite all the shit it seems this world has to offer sometimes - I am still here. Falling on your ass - you would think it would be life affirming - but you know what for me it was. Peace to all my blogger friends - I hope you don't mind if I call you that - reading the different blogs I read - I have come to know some really great people - and that makes me happy. Have a great day - blog with you soon :)

Monday, August 22, 2005


The last few days have been very hard for me. My step father was diagnosed on Thursday with a large brain tumor. He is in the hospital and they are trying to stabilize his blood pressure and the swelling on the brain that the tumor has caused. They hope by the end of the week to begin chemo or radiation. I am very worried about my mother - the last time she had to deal with death this close to her (i.e. a husband) was when my father died when I was 3 months old (he had a massive heart attack in front of her) - my grandma says she did not deal well then and I am afraid she will not do well know. After my father died she married another who i have always considered my father because he raised me. they got divorced when I turned 18. She met Larry a few years later and has been with him ever since. He is a great man and he cares not only about her but about all of us. My kids call him grandpa and he is just the best. So we are praying that he will be all right - but we are also preparing for the worse. If you read my blog, please keep him in your prayers. I would appreciate it.

Next, I had to move my daughter up to school. Yes she got her shit together and got everything straighten out to go to school. The loan money is on its way and we keep our fingers crossed that she will do good this semester. Because if she doesn't she will be going to school from the house, which is not what she wants to do.

My son takes his entrance exam today - so keep your fingers crossed. If he does well - he will start school after Labor Day and in five months will be working for the fire department.

My husband and I are back at semi empty nest syndrome. Depending on the day our son may or may not be at home. It is kinda lonely, the kids buffered when we would get on each other's nerves. Thank goodness we have two dogs to do that - and a big enough house to go to opposite ends. I miss having kids in the house. Perhaps one day one of my kids will give me some grandkids. Have a great day bloggers. Peace!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Reality - Part 2

My son (who is home from Iraq and out of the Army and dealing with returning to civilian life) - Has left her girlfriend and moved back home with us. This happened last Thursday. On Friday he went to see another girl and by Sunday he was back seeing the other girl. Yes, my boy is a horndog. Anyway - he is still not working and no longer has any money. Therefore in order to not have his credit shot, we will be paying for his car, insurance and cell phone - which is not going to be easy for us. The problem - he seems to be in no hurry whatsoever to get a job. He talked to us about going back to school and was suppose to go and meet with financial aid people about getting his GI money and then registering - but instead he went to his girlfriends Sunday and then decided to come back home late last night. This drives me nuts. The thing with him is he is so ready to fly off the handle for anything. He does not want us in his business and tells us that whenever we try to discuss things with him. But he needs to live with us, needs our money to keep him in his car (which is in my husband's name), it all just sucks. We just have to put our feet down and tell him and hope that instead of leaving again and then coming back like nothing happened he will get off his butt and start making a better life for himself. The war he went through I know it has truly affected his mind, but I can't make him go get the help he needs if he does not want to help himself. He has been home since March and has only attempted to go to the VA once. He doesn't want us to tell him what to do (he is a grown ass man in his words) but he wants us to speak for him, to find him a great job and let him live with us and for him to come and go as he pleases while we foot the bill - I just don't get it. He changes on a dime. There is no telling what we will come home to today - all we can do is stand by what we expect of him which is to either get in school and become a firefighter like he keeps saying he wants to do (which by going to school he will get his GI money and be able to pay his bills) or he needs to get a job and join the rest of us in the real world who have to work to enjoy our life - that or he needs to win the freaking lotto and take care of us all. I love him with all my heart but he just doesn't get that in the real world - great paying jobs don't fall out of the sky - you bills don't just get paid and money does not grow on trees. I did not raise him to be this way - but now I question myself everyday as to what I may have done wrong in both their lives (my daughter's too). By their age, I was working, married and had both of them. They have no idea how easy their lives are and could continue to be if they would just apply themselves a little. Maybe I ask to much of them? Maybe I gave them too much when they were little and so now they just expect it when they are older. It is just so stressful - no wonder I watch so much reality TV - because it is not REAL........ Thanks for reading - Peace :0

My Reality - Part 1

My daughter who is suppose to start school next week in another city - she tells us on Monday morning that she cannot register until she has an academic meeting. Seems when she told us she got off academic probation at the end of last semester she was mistaken. This is it, if she can't get over a 2.5 this semester she will be coming home and going to community college. We have two loans ready and waiting to be processed but they can't until she registers. So we sent her up to the school to do her meeting and to check on the job she is suppose to be able to return to when school starts back up. She did not bother to keep up with them in the Summer so now she may no longer have the easy cush job. To be in her shoes. All she had to do all Summer was check in - register and get ready to go back. She waited until the last minute to do everything and if her meeting does not go well she may well be coming home. No apartment, no party life, just home and school and getting a job. She is so upset but we had no choice and had to put our feet down. If she is able to go back she has got to make the grade or else she will be home. That is my first reality - here comes my second.

Reality and My Reality

Reality TV - you have just got to laugh at it. BB6 - those people locked in that beautiful house with no kids, no TV just a pool and hot tub - I could use a break like that - to me at this point the only one who deserves the money is Kaysar and it is so pretty sure that he is going home. Next would be Howie or Janelle - I just love how they are stirring up the other side. Rockstar - Jordis and Marty - they just kick butt. I still don't know what these guys see in Jessica except that she is pretty. My choice is Jordis with Marty right behind. JD - he needs to be his own band - he has too much ego to share. And then my favorite MTV's 70's House - the kids took another quiz and only one of them knew who Foghat was - what is up with that? Not to mention finish the title to this song - Stairway to ______ - who could not know that? The bit at the mall was great - but I loved watching these kids try and skate. I remember Friday and Saturday nights before I was allowed to drive, that is where I was. We were always dropped off by someone's parent and then there we would be until Midnight. We thought we were so cool. Watching this show just brings back such great memories. Now why do I need to escape....... stay tune....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Weekend Wrap

A day late but Mondays always bite for me. Friday night we took a couple of friends to one of my favorite places, La Mexicana. Love the food, the drinks and the place in general. My husband and I go there all the time. It's a place where you can take your time to eat, drink and have good conversation without feeling like you are being pushed out the door after you finish your meal. We spent probably 2-3 hours there. Margaritas, nachos, chips & salsa, shared plates of fajitas, all good. Love it. Saturday we went to a birthday party for a family member. The party had a 60's theme and all were dressed for the same. It was a hoot to see some older women (70's and 80's) in bell bottoms and go go boots. Fun was had by all - they rented out some little bar/pub (Bubba's) and had it all decorated for the times. Now I was only a little girl in the 60's but we sure did have a fun time. Sunday we spent recouping from all the drinking done on Friday and Saturday. Also spent cleaning and cooking and other usual Sunday wind downs.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Tagging Myself

I saw this at Jaded&Opinionated's blog, and since I hadn't been tagged, because no one knows I am out here - I tagged myself. So if you read this you will maybe know a little bit more about me.

5 years ago today: I was at the same job I have been at for almost 25 years. I was dealing with my son who had graduated in May and who did not know what he wanted to do with his life, except he did not want to go to school.

Yesterday: Got the big boss ready to go to out of the country. Had lunch with a friend and caught up on each other's life (are you bored with me yet?)

Today: Been up since 4A.m. (CST) because hubby had to be at work early, paid bills, got instructions for the day from Big boss and have drank two cups of coffee.

5 snacks I enjoy: Chocolate, chocolate, popcorn, raisins, and did I mention chocolate.

5 bands that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Journey, Bon Jovi, Fleetwood Mac, Heart, and Styx.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off all debts. Pay for my entire families' kids' college educations. Charity. Then just enjoy my life.

5 bad habits I have: Bite my cuticles when upset; lazy when it comes to exercising; have a hard time just letting things go; always leaving glasses of water all over the house; and eating too much chocolate.

5 things I like doing: Reading, watching movies, going out to dinner with friends, hanging out with my family, and listening to musis (especially 80's big hair bands)

5 things I would never wear: spandex, tube tops, micro mini skirts, bikini, and super baggie pants

5 TV shows I like: Lost, BB6, Rockstar INXS, CSI, CSI Maimi, CSI NY

5 movies I like: Valley Girl, Sixteen Candles, Dazed & Confused, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Say Anything, Pretty in Pink.

5 famous people: Johnny Depp, Steve Perry (Journey), Colin Farrell, Eddie Veder, Sammy Hagar, Ricky Martin (hey where the hell did that come from?)

5 biggest joys at the moment: My hubby, my daughter, my son, my dogs,

5 people to tag: ???? So new to the world of blog that I am not sure I know 5 people to tag that would know who I am.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The 70's

Has anyone seen the show on MTV called "The 70's House"? Well they took a bunch of kids and put them in a house like the Brady's house and everything they do has to be 70's - no computers, ipods, blackberries, cell phones, etc. Everything they eat, wear, say, watch and do has to be 70's. It is so funny. They eliminate one person every week via a competition. The two people acting the least 70's or losing a competition is who goes in the elimination round. The best thing is they have an intercom that comes on at anytime (day or night) and it plays the hustle - when that happens they have to stop whatever they are doing and do the hustle. I would so kick ass in this house. Of course I am too old for it - but I loved the 70's (not so much the clothes) - but I knew my Tiger Beat people, I had Donny, David, Shaun and Leif up on my walls. Puppy Love, I think I love you, oh I could go on and on about them. I loved Donny Osmond so much (still do) - I even owned purple socks and would dance around singing his songs to his poster. These kids would not stand a chance with me in the house. I guess that's why they picked kids that have never even heard of Saturday Night Fever or Midnight Special. Does anyone else remember wanting to join up with the Partridge Family and when you got mad at your parents to be a Brady? What about those Saturday morning cartoons - H.R. Puff n Stuff, Land of the Lost, Josie & the Pussycats, Scooby Doo. What else I remember - playing outside (well after dark) and not worrying or caring. I remember getting to wear make up for the first time - I knew how to work my green and blue eyeshadow (never wore them together) and my lip smackers. I remember putting on shows with my friends in my basement and as I got older and in high school thinking we were the coolest ever. I remember being in drill team and dancing at football games, my first car (a gremlin - can you imagine), my first love (Ronnie), going to the skating rink and hanging out was the thing to do. I went to my first concert in the 70's - Heart - As the decade got on I fell in love with Steve Perry and became a Journey freak. I never missed a concert, was a member of their fan club, still keep up with Steve Perry now (what can I say Steve and Donny - Love 'em). I met my husband in 1978 and I am still with him today. So the 70's were good to me. Anybody out there want to tell me what they remember - I would love to hear from ya!!