
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday Tuesday

Yesterday was Monday Monday and I was so busy that I didn't have time to write. Mondays are the worst here - everyone on the other side (well we do it too) sends out their stuff on Friday afternoon after 5:00 p.m. therefore we don't get it until first thing Monday morning - discovery, pleadings, the caboodle - it is one big pain. I get here early so I usually have everything copied and given out and have started on it by the time others start arriving. Because I get here early, and because I try for the most part to keep most of my live outside the office mine, when others start coming in all I hear about on Monday is everything great they did over the weekend. What did I do - nothing. I did not go out and drink until I puked, I did not go out and bang everything with legs - I did not go to the game - I did not buy a new beamer, no I did nothing - I cooked, I cleaned - I went out to dinner - I took care of my son who was in a wreck - but you know after hearing the things some of this people did - I have no life to talk about - s0 I don't - and because this is a legal domain - you don't talk about things going on in the world, religion and politics are all big no no's here. So that leaves only talking about TV shows and sex - which gets done on a grand scale here.

However - worse than this is - a co-worker who sits close (not right next to me but close) - is sick - all day long yesterday they were coughing, sniffling, sneezing - the works. Some of us offered cough drops, drugs anything we could - did they stay home today - no they are back and the cough, etc. is worse than ever - what's worse is that they are coughing so hard they are making some of us cough as well - so we are taking our drugs and such so we don't get sick. Then they finally tell everyone they are going to the doctor today - but not until late this afternoon - which means plenty of time for them to continue to spill their germs everywhere - now - I do not have a germophobia - but when someone is coughing like they are fixing to spew out a lung - ya kinda get a little sick yourself. So I am washing my hands - and tomorrow when I get here all early before everyone else - the person in the space right next to sicker than a dog has a large can of lysol which I will be spraying over all our areas including theirs - just in case!!! Now I can understand not wanting to miss work but come on - you are sick - you have almost 30 years here which means you have like a ton of days - use one please!! Funniest thing of all - is while they are coughing everywhere - they keep saying I really don't feel bad - I actually feel pretty good - maybe it was all the liquor I had this weekend!!

Peace y'all - Have a good one!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Where has the time gone? I know I have been away again, but it has been a very very busy couple of weeks, that I don't even know where to begin. My daughter got a job!!!! She started yesterday. My son may have a job by the end of the week. Life is good - they were driving us crazy. You know they say you can always go home but man they don't tell you that if they do come home they will drive you crazy!! Having them there has been nice and bad all at the same time. Because they weren't doing anything (learning to be bums) - they would sleep all day, get up around 2 and then by the time we got home, they were ready to talk and party when all we wanted to was wind down and go to bed. Have to laugh at my daughter - came home yesterday and I started talking her ear off - she tells me - Mom can you give me a few to settle in after working all day? I just laughed and said you sure can but remember about a week ago when I came home and asked you the same thing, you got mad - so shoe is on the other foot now.

We took a week off last week and went to see my Mom and Grandma - both are doing well - I worry about my Grandma - she is getting a little frail - but still just as feisty as ever. It was so nice to go up and see them and get away from the big city. On heart day (Valentine's) we took my in-laws to Galveston for a nice day - it was beautiful. We had a lovely time. We also took a little trip into Lake Charles for some gambling - didn't do good but didn't do bad. On the way there my husband showed me some of the devastation from Hurricane Rita in Beaumont where he worked for several months. It is still a mess there. Houses with tarps on roofs because there is such a shortage of workers. Places back in business and right next store places that will never recover. The trees all bending one way from the wind. It was something to see.

Even though I have not been here in a while - I have been keeping up with everyone and reading y'alls blogs. I am really going to try and blog at least once, if not twice a week. Okay, I have got to get back to the daily grind my friends - blog with you soon - take care and Peace!!!