
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Monday, October 31, 2005

What Kind of Candy are You?

Here is a quiz I got from a friend today and thought it would be fun for my blogger friends to play as well:

What Kind of Candy are You?

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Random Thoughts

I have been out of late. My son has moved back home (apparently his girlfriend's Dad found out he was living with her and threatened to cut her allowance off - he pays the bills) so they fought and he came home. The computer is in his room and wanting to give him his privacy - I haven't been in there to use it very much. I am going to have it moved to the other room so that we can use it without messing with him. It is nice to have him home, he was around so little when he was living with her. Whether it will last or not who is to say we will just have to wait and see.

I took two days vacation from work and then ended up taking two more because I got sick which is not a fun reason to miss work. So now I am back trying to sort through everything and listen to the boss complain about my not being here. I guess he wanted me here throwing up under my desk. Sometimes they have no clue.

So much news out there - does Janet Jackson have a secret daughter, are Jen and Vince engaged - will they or won't they on Capital Hill today - Enquiring minds want to know.

Want to say a big thanks to the Astros for giving Houston a great season!!! Only 5 months to a new season!!

To my blogger stranger friends - Have a great weekend - do something fun and have a good time!!! Peace!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I've got a secret

And this blog is it. No one in my family knows about it. I don't want to share my blogger friends with them - they aren't as fun as y'all.

Houston Astros what a dream come true for some of them - well probably all of them but especially those that have been on the team for many many years (Bags and Bigi) - their honest emotion at the end of that game last night was something to see. Because we won the company I work for (can you say uptight law firm) is suppose to be allowing us to wear jeans and an Astros shirt on Friday - what good it does me - I am off that day as I was today.

Taking a couple of me days. Going to do a little shopping, meet my sister for lunch and drinks, get my nails done - fun all me stuff. I don't get to do this that often so I am very much looking forward to the day.

Because I was out today - I have not had a chance to see or read any news - but I am sure the people on capital hill are still being a-holes = I did see that they arrested Tom D. Can't wait to watch him get out of this - you know going to jail will totally mess up his golf game. Astros winning biggest news of them all in this City. Party on Houston!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


I am back and feeling better. I had to take some time and re-group, that and I had to get back in to my work routine. My Mom is doing good, her and my Grandma are getting used to living with each other again. They are looking to what different things they can do as a couple of hip older ladies.

I have been having to drive to and from work for a couple of weeks (my husband is working in Beaumont everyday trying to help re-build that city) - needless to say I hate it. Traffic in Houston while not as bad some other cities, just plain sucks. In the early morning (5;30 a.m.) you would think people would be a little nicer but no they are just as rude at that time as they are in afternoon. People cut you off almost hit you - it is scary. Now I am driving a big ole truck but still. I was in an accident several years ago where a trailer-truck side swiped me and my husband on my side of the truck. I was taken to the hospital and everything - so I am a little timid when I drive but I am learning how to be agressive (be agressive b-e agressive) and I always smile and wave at people who get pissed off at me - it makes them madder.

Can everyone say GO STROS - wouldn't it be nice if they could go all the way!!! We can only hope.

Good news - my son started a job!!! HOORAY - of course he is not happy with it but you know what it is a job and hopefully he will get used to it and start to get back into life. He has been so much (Iraq - enough said) and been so out of it since he came home that I hope this brings him around.

I'm off - gotta go buy a birthday present for my niece who turns 18 today. Also have to go comfort my sister who is not dealing very well with the fact that she has a daughter that old - going to go drinks some margaritas at La Mexicana!!!

Peace to y'all - have a good one!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005


I wrote that great post about getting to know me and then I just up and left. My step father, Larry, passed away early last Tuesday morning. My sister and I left work and went straight to my Mom's where I have been for the past week helping her get through this and helping my grandmother move in with her. We had so much to do.

It is funny how death can bring out the best in some and the worst in others. I have three sisters, one older who is a step sister and two younger half-sisters (I have a very weird family tree). The older sister is not a part of this but the two younger ones are. One is great and was right there with me helping out in everyway, the other, the youngest - well let's just say she is the bad one. Example, we had an estate sale to sell a lot of the items my grandmother had accumlated over the years so that she would not have to take that much to move with my mom. Well the youngest she not only tried to take a lot of it but she tried to borrow the money we made (over $2,000) from my grandma and my mom and she would have gotten it had it not been for me and my other sister. Now I love her cause she is my sister but by the end of five days with her I was ready to take her out. Everything said somehow manages to revert back to her and her so sad life. It was awful - my mom would ask the simpliest question (how are you) and I would answer I am hanging in there how about you and there she goes - oh I can't believe he is gone, what are you going to do mom, what I am going to do - and on and on. thank goodness she is moving back to Kansas where she won't be able to suck my Grandma and my Mom dry.

Enough about her - sorry needed to vent a little. A week of that and believe me you would too. Everything went well for my Mother - we had a small memorial for Larry (he was not big on funerals and did not want one). Everyone has been great. Several people from my work - on my floor - sent a beautiful plant and my boss and his wife did as well. They are so nice - and my mother was so touched. She loves to grow things so these gestures meant alot. My good friends - they sent her a lovely bouquet of flowers and she loved them as well. My mother is a strong woman and with her close by we will always be checking on her and my grandma. Once they settled in to their new life - I am sure they will be two partying old ladies - living live to the fullest which is what Larry would want.

To all my blogger friends - if you read my blog you know about Larry and I appreciate more than I can ever say here how much your kind words mean to me. I will be back soon - take care all - remember to tell those you love and care about - that you do love and care about them - because you never know when you might lose them - peace to y'all.