
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What Song?

Busy day ahead so I decided to just post a quiz. I hope everyone is doing well - one more week until the days will once again settled down. Here ya go -

Your 2005 Song Is

Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson

"But since you've been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so moving on"

In 2005, you moved on.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Holidays

As Christmas gets closer I thought I was going to pull all my hair out - so much going on, so much to do, too many people to try and make happy, you know. Then I decided in order to make others happy, I needed to make myself happy. So, I just gave up on everything - at work I do my job and try to let all the bad mood attorneys not so grumpy by trying to be as nice as possible. How do I achieve that - I started imagining them in their underwear!! Bunch of meanies sure do look funny in their boxers and tighty whities that it made it so easy to smile and say yes sir - they probably wonder what my problem is because I am not upset and angry like them. As far as friends and family - I am just about done present shopping and once done I don't intend to try and hit a store until February.... One less thing to worry about is the traffic into work and home in the evenings - seems a lot of people are on vacation so that is a small break for me. So am I happy sure now that I don't have to worry about the jerk who is not happy cutting me off this week. I have been going to look at the lights - it is one of my favorite things to do this time of year. Some people really get crazy and it is just fun to see. Plus on the radio there are a couple really funny songs that just make me laugh. Crappy Holidays and Walking round in Women's Underwear. I can't even hear the songs that they are taken after without hearing the funnier version.

To all my cyber friends - whatever you celebrate this time of year - may you have great moments and enjoy the days as they come. May the New Year bring you everything you hope for and my you find great joy and happiness in the New Year. I truly enjoy hearing from you my friends, and reading about you on your on blogs. You have made my year a most pleasant one. When I needed comfort you provided it, you have made me laugh and just been all around great!!! I cannot imagine my life without y'all in it. Thanks for everything.

Peace to you All - I will write again after the holidays. Smoochies and hugs to you all!!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Can You Say Stress

Can you say stress? Cause I sure can. You know at this time of the year a defense law firm usually slows down. No hearings, no trials, just bare minimal stuff. The attorneys want to enjoy the holidays as do most of the courts. Well not this year. Between my two assignments, I am ready to pull my hair out. My newest one, well he does most of his own work but does not believe in using a legal assistant, thus I get to do it at a secretary's pay, Lovely.... First assignment is so stressed out by his work that a lot of it is on me, even more Lovely..... So stressed am I that I decided to take a quick break and write about it in here. Everyday I so look forward to going home turning on my little Christmas lights and sitting in the room not doing or thinking about anything work related. Although here lately while sitting quietly all I do is think about it all - did I send that to the right person, will these two please ever get in a better mood. Then I start thinking about everything I have to do for Christmas Eve which thanks to my hubby's great mind is at my house this year. Around 25-30 family members will converge upon my little home on the 24th. Only good thing is that I am not cooking - everyone to bring something and only snacky, finger type foods - nothing to big or that requires a lot. It is scheduled to start around 7:00 p.m. and I intend to be good and tipsy by 6:30 p.m. Only way to deal with this much family. Plus it will keep me calm and collective. I will spend the next two weeks making sure the house is in tip top shape cause you know there will be that one family member who will comment on any little spot of dirt or misplaced item she can. I look forward to Christmas because on that day I will relax and sleep and enjoy the day with myself - since this was my hubby's great idea - he gets to do all the cleaning that day - my present to him!!! Have a great week everyone - I will write again soon. Peace to you all.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

World AIDS Day

Sorry I have been away for a little while - but back. Today is World AIDS Day. Take the time to remember someone lost, remember those still suffering with the disease today and most important take the time to educate yourself about the disease. A simple search will bring up plenty of sites in which you can find out information about how to protect yourself and those you love, how to help those in need and so much more.

And one more thing - let us all remember that we are all human beings and should treat each other as such regardless of color, sex, and any other thing which might cause one to discriminate against another.

To those who have lost someone to AIDS I share your sorrow and raise my glass and cheer those no longer with us and those still fighting today.

Remember - Knowledge is power - Educate yourself and get all the facts and knowledge you can to make sound choices.

Peace to you all. Will lighten up soon.

I'm Back

I still don't have access to my computer at my house but hope to within the next couple of weeks. Thanks to those who have stopped in just to check on me. I have been busy dealing with good ole family stuff and trying to get into the spirit of the holidays. I love Christmas - I have since I was a child. Growing up all over this country and now living in Texas - I miss the Christmas with the snow like when I lived in Omaha or Michigan (mind you I don't miss the clearing of sidewalks) - but waking up to a cold white Christmas - I miss that. Which must be why I decorate in Snowmen every year. Snowmen and the Peanuts. I love the Peanuts gang. I watch their Christmas show every year and even during the year on DVD. Hearing the theme for them just makes me smile. And while some things about Christmas have become so commercialism, these things they keep it simple for me which is why I love this time of year. I still love to go and look at Christmas lights just like a little kids I hang out my vehicle window and take them all in. I love to give gifts just to see a person's face light up. I love to send cards. I don't give gifts/cards to get the same back I do it because I love it. The people I love to give a card or small gift to are the ones who seem to have a bad time during this time of the year. For whatever reason (lonely, just don't feel it, etc.) they are the ones I love to put a smile on with just a small simple gesture. Does it make me a good/bad person - I don't know and truthfully I don't care - it makes me happy. Should I try to be this way all year long - you bet and I do but just during this time does it seem more personal to me. Peace to you all and I will write again soon.