
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Monday, December 12, 2005

Can You Say Stress

Can you say stress? Cause I sure can. You know at this time of the year a defense law firm usually slows down. No hearings, no trials, just bare minimal stuff. The attorneys want to enjoy the holidays as do most of the courts. Well not this year. Between my two assignments, I am ready to pull my hair out. My newest one, well he does most of his own work but does not believe in using a legal assistant, thus I get to do it at a secretary's pay, Lovely.... First assignment is so stressed out by his work that a lot of it is on me, even more Lovely..... So stressed am I that I decided to take a quick break and write about it in here. Everyday I so look forward to going home turning on my little Christmas lights and sitting in the room not doing or thinking about anything work related. Although here lately while sitting quietly all I do is think about it all - did I send that to the right person, will these two please ever get in a better mood. Then I start thinking about everything I have to do for Christmas Eve which thanks to my hubby's great mind is at my house this year. Around 25-30 family members will converge upon my little home on the 24th. Only good thing is that I am not cooking - everyone to bring something and only snacky, finger type foods - nothing to big or that requires a lot. It is scheduled to start around 7:00 p.m. and I intend to be good and tipsy by 6:30 p.m. Only way to deal with this much family. Plus it will keep me calm and collective. I will spend the next two weeks making sure the house is in tip top shape cause you know there will be that one family member who will comment on any little spot of dirt or misplaced item she can. I look forward to Christmas because on that day I will relax and sleep and enjoy the day with myself - since this was my hubby's great idea - he gets to do all the cleaning that day - my present to him!!! Have a great week everyone - I will write again soon. Peace to you all.


At 3:07 AM , Blogger Mel said...

Sorry for all the stress! Work stress, its the worst! Holiday stress isnt much better. I am lucky so far this year, my stress has been minimual.

Good to see you though...I think you should blog will help your stress!

At 5:18 AM , Blogger sttropezbutler said...

DD you do brighten up the day. The work routine sounds dreadful...but c'est la vie, no?

Enjoy yourself on Peacemas Eve! Have a glass of eggnog for me (I personally hate the stuff!)



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