Summer Issues
Where has the time gone. I thought with two grown children my summer would be a little less hectic. I have been wrong. Between work, dealing with my son who is still so messed up from fighting in Iraq and my daughter who is getting ready to go back to school and moving her into a new apartment - well I am about to pull my hair out. I was able to take one week off but had so much to do around the house that we didn't really go anywhere other than to see my mother and grandmother who live in the country and to go to the beach and watch the surfers on the waves coming in from Emily. Big Whoop. Sometimes going on vacation is not worth it when you come back to work and the bosses didn't give anything to the person covering you - but instead hold all for you. Plus they are trying to go vacations - so there is like triple the work. Thank goodness they will be gone off and on the next three weeks so I can catch up here. My son is still not working, still suffering from bad dreams and rage from fighting in this dumb Iraq war. He does not want to do what he needs to do to get help (VA is such a red tape mess - you could grow old and die before you finally get to the right people there) - and he still doesn't think he is ready to go to work. I understand but he has real world shit to deal with - i.e. bills. Car note, insurance, credit card, cell phone. I can't pick up the slack on him so therein lies my conflict with him. I worry about him and worry if he will be all right, try and figure out where we can get the money to help him, the list goes on and on. My daughter who has been home all summer being a bum - is just now finding out that she may not be able to do what she wants at school this year - live off campus. Plus we have financial problems there as well. Getting the money for her to go to school and pay her apartment is going to be a big pain in the ass. I will be so happy when they both grow up and can take of themselves financially and then take care of us when we are old and grey. I guess I should have entitled this entry Summer Whining instead of issues. I know I am whining but hey it's my space to do just that!!! Thanks for reading!!!!