
California born mom livin life as a Southern Belle

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Where Have I Been

Lost - I just got so stressed dealing with all my family stuff and with all the hurricane stuff. Not that things are better - not with Rita heading some of our ways. Trying to get things in order just because you never know. Insurance policies - check, water and supplies - check, food for us and dogs - check, gas in vehicle - check, candles, lamps, batteries, radio - check, extra cash - check - will we even get the storm - it remains to be seen. As of this morning - yes - though not in Galveston - I am close enough to get a lot of rain and a lot of wind, et al. Plus with a nice big bayou right behind the house, not too mention a river (San Jacinto) not too far away and a lake (Houston) - you can see why I am a little bit worried about flooding. I was in a different house when Allison hit and was one of the lucky ones whose home did not flood in the area I lived in - because people who lived right next store to me did flood. I was here when Alicia hit - I was 21 and had a 16 month old son and lived in a little bitty wood home. I remember the tree in the front yard was bending over so much from the wind that we decided to go to my in-laws - when the water finally receded - that tree was were my car had been. So yeah I guess I am a little worried. But you hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

My step father is not doing better - they moved him up to hospice, he is still refusing to see any of us although he did see my niece who is his daughter (explanation - my black sheep sister had a baby when she was young and my mom and my step dad adopted her - so she is my sister/niece) - he did tell her that she was not allowed to talk about any of us and if she did or if she got upset he would make her leave. He did sign the paperwork to let my mom do what she needs to do to prepare. She was not going to go to funeral (when the time comes) because she is so upset with him but she has since changed her mind and asked that we all be there with her which of course we will - where else would we be. He has been asking for his laptop but my mom has told him the only way he can have it is if she can bring it to him - so they are going around about that. I can understand where he is coming from - if he doesn't want us to remember him in the hospital then we shouldn't go see him but to not want to see my mom does not make sense to me. I hope that he will change his mind. I know he thinks he is making it easier for both him and my mom but - well I hope he changes his mind.

Any good news - well yes - today I am officially old - I no longer have any children - my daughter turned 21 today. My little girl is no longer little. Of course she really wasn't at 18 but no that she can "truly" drink without having to use her fake i.d. (little thing didn't think I knew about that) - well it kinda makes me feel old. I am only 20 and 23 years old but to have grown kids well that just seals it. So today she can drink and probably will - I will have a nice glass of wine tonight and toast her -

If you are in the storm's path - please take care - even if you are not sure - please take precautions. Mother nature as we have all seen here recently can be a real bitch when she wants. Thanks for stopping by. Peace to all. Take care and be careful. Will blog again soon.


At 5:39 AM , Blogger sttropezbutler said...

DD....Stay safe. It seems we are getting conflicting info. I'm not in an area where flooding is a concern..or am I. I'm only a half a mile or less from Buffalo Bayou...and there is another bayou on the other side of me to the about a half a mile. Crazy.....that's for sure.

Sending some positive thoughts your way!


At 12:44 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

Will say a special prayer for you in hopes the storm passes you by.

At 5:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's Bush's evacuation plan for us:

Run like hell!

I'm leaving town to go to my brother's house in Bandera. It hasn't sold yet and my niece said just come get the keys and stay as long as you need.

I'll be at work today but hope to be gone tomorrow and Fri. I hope the firm lets everyone off after today to go home and do what they need to do. (Even if it's just to go home, stand in the closet and cry.)

Take care. Sending positive thoughts your way!!!!

Your sister in the trenches.


At 5:18 AM , Blogger sttropezbutler said...

Didn't evacuate Houston, did evacuate my apartment. I'm at my sister's and we are as ready for this as one could be.

Trust you are as well.

Be Safe...



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